Thursday, September 20, 2012

Minister Philipp Roesler: No economic freedom without social freedom

"Sẽ không có kinh doanh, kinh tế tự do, nếu không có xã hội tự do. 
Cả hai đều liên quan chặt chẽ với nhau."

Bộ trưởng Kinh tế Đức Philipp Rösler, cùng với các học sinh kiều dân Đức tại Việt Nam

Thăm viếng công ty sản xuất Bộ cảm biến điện tử và linh kiện.

Bộ trưởng Philipp Rösler và công nhân nhà máy Pepperl + Fuchs.

ASEAN countries are market opportunity for "German Mittelstand"
(19.09.2012) 600. 000 million people, high growth rates, open markets, "Vietnam can open doors throughout the ASEAN region act," concluded Minister Philipp Roesler together the potential of the Socialist People's Republic. It is therefore important to strengthen the economic relations between Germany and Vietnam. Especially for the "German Mittelstand" sees the Liberals in the region healthy economic outlook and market opportunities.
Following a joint meeting opened Rösler and Vietnamese Planning Minister Bui Quang Vinh a German-Vietnamese Economic Dialogue. He should help to reduce bureaucratic hurdles for businesses in Vietnam.

Rösler emphasized that were essential preconditions for investments by German companies contract compliance and freedom of contract. German companies always complain that contracts in Vietnam not met and bills are not paid. Foreign investors must have confidence that they can rely on promises and agreements were met.

No economic freedom without social freedom

In his speech at the National Economics University of Hanoi Minister had called on Monday ranging democratic and economic reforms in Vietnam. 

"There is no business, economic liberty without social freedom. Both are inextricably linked. "
His own career in Germany he regarded as evidence of the opportunities mountains to freedom.

The Socialist Republic should promote not only the privatization and the opening up of markets, but also give people more freedom, Rösler also demanded. "How are people who are not free to choose to think independently, and act." Rösler also raised before the importance of the private sector and of private property. It is not the job of politicians or the government to direct the economy.

Rösler visited Agent Orange victims

In addition to his support of the German middle class was the second day of Rösler's Vietnam visit was marked by the encounter - with the Vietnamese government, with representatives of the Catholic Church and with the Agent Orange victims who are suffering from the after-effects of the poison that the United States in the Vietnam War have dropped over the country.

On Tuesday morning, he had the "Friendship Village" visited not far from Hanoi. Where children and young people are cared for, come with crippled limbs and oversized heads to the world. The malformations are the late effects of Agent Orange, that poison that inserting the United States during the Vietnam War to defoliate entire forests and so detect North Vietnamese.

Rösler calls for release of political prisoners

Also made significant Economics Minister Philipp Roesler for the release of five critically ill, political prisoners. In consultation with the Foreign Office presented the FDP leader the Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung at a meeting in Hanoi with a list of the names of the detainees.

On Tuesday evening, he also welcomed the Catholic Bishops of the North Vietnamese in the residence of the German embassy. Rösler wanted to put a sign with the invitation, because the Catholic Church in Vietnam is still exposed to many reprisals.

"Philipp Roesler (36 tuổi) người Việt nam - Ngôi sao mới trong Nội các Merkel"
"Từ đứa trẻ mồ côi trở thành Bộ trưởng "

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